
How To Personalize Your Quiz with Conditional Logic

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Conditional logic allows you to give your quiz takers a customized experience, based on their responses. 

This means that your customers will not have to go through answering irrelevant questions, because you can design the quiz to guide them to only relevant questions. 

For example, suppose that you sell clothes. In order to create a relevant shopping experience, it would help to know if your customer is shopping for men’s or women’s clothes. So your first question may be, “Are you a male or female?” From here, you can guide women to questions only about women’s clothes, and men to only questions about men’s clothes. 

Then you may ask about what type of clothes they are interested in–pants, shirts, socks, jackets, all of the above? And continue to learn more about what exactly they are looking for. 

Conditional logic thus makes the quiz taking experience more relevant, and will result in higher completion rates. 

How To Add Conditional Logic To Your Quiz

Conditional logic can be added to any of the following question types: 

  • – Multiple Choice
  • – Picture 
  • – Dropdown
  • – Yes/No

If you choose one of those question types, you will see the Conditional Logic icon, so that you can set build out your logic. 

You can click on the “Logic” icon on the question type: 

From here, you can set up the question so that a quiz taker goes to a specific question based on their answer.

By default, the quiz taker will move to the Next Question after answering the question, unless you add conditional logic by clicking “Add Rule”:

As an example, let’s assume that this clothing brand wants to learn more about the type of clothes the customer is looking for. 

You can customize the quiz experience in the following ways: 

Always Go To: Select which question you want to take the customer to, depending on their answer. 

Unless these conditions are met: IF a customer answers a certain answer, THEN take them to a specific question next. 

The logic is therefore: 

IF the answer to [question A]

IS or IS NOT [choice B]

THEN go to [question X]

For example, if a customer is looking for jackets, then take them to the question about jackets as their next question: 

You can add unlimited statements of Conditional Logic, to ensure that your users go down the most appropriate line of questions. 

Because there can be so many different paths, it can be helpful to sketch out the flow of the quiz on a piece of paper first. Then it can be very quick to build it out in the Prehook app.  

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